How to create Free WhatsApp Chatbot No-code: Complete Guide
Whatsapp Business

How to create Free WhatsApp Chatbot No-code: Complete Guide

Are you sick of responding to the same inquiries from customers every day? Do you want some AI in your life? Fear not, though—We have automated WhatsApp chatbots!

A human-like experience that operates around-the-clock is here to replace the mundane customer service you're used to. You'll save time, but you'll also avoid hair-pulling in the process.

Did you realize? 

The chatbots on WhatsApp Business can correctly respond to 80% of common queries.  

What is a WhatsApp Chatbot?

Say welcome to the WhatsApp Chatbot, the ultimate multitasker! What precisely is a WhatsApp Chatbot, then? 

A WhatsApp chatbot works on WhatsApp and can provide a human-like customer experience by responding to frequent consumer questions, closing sales, fostering relationships, and gathering user attributes. 

Fun fact: The WhatsApp Chatbot is the best employee ever because it won't request a raise or a day off.

An example of what a WhatsApp Chatbot can perform is as follows:

  1. Common customer questions answered 24/7/365 - It can communicate like a human agent and comprehends human language. Additionally, it won't become bored with repeatedly providing the same response.

  2. Automate sales by providing users with personalized recommendations - An interactive shopping experience is here, so say goodbye to dry product descriptions!

  3. Lead nurturing - A WhatsApp chatbot may cultivate leads by gathering crucial user data like email, address, gender, country, and a variety of other factors. It is comparable to having a personal assistant that can take care of all your data collection requirements.

How to get WhatsApp Chatbot for your Business?

WhatsApp Business API is the only method to get WhatsApp Chatbot for your business.

What is WhatsApp Business API, though?


Facebook introduced the WhatsApp Business API in 2018, a tool that enables companies to send and receive an unlimited number of messages to a global audience and improve customer experiences on WhatsApp.

In the guide below, we've previously covered every aspect of WhatsApp Business API. 

You would require assistance from a WhatsApp partner like Msgclub to obtain the WhatsApp Business API. 

In ten minutes, you can receive approval for the WhatsApp Business API. A business website and a new phone number that is not registered on any WhatsApp apps are all you need. Once your WhatsApp account is active, you may use Msgclub Chatbot Flow Builder to build a chatbot for WhatsApp and do a lot more with the Msgclub platform. 

Create an account with Msgclub to begin your free trial right away!    

Benefits of creating WhatsApp Chatbot with Msgclub Flow Builder

Msgclub does more than only build WhatsApp Chatbots, too. With the help of these fantastic features, you can use Msgclub to boost your company's ROI by as much as 150 times:

  • Send WhatsApp broadcasts to an unlimited number of recipients at once

  • Payments, abandoned carts, order confirmation, and delivery alerts may all be automated using WhatsApp.

  • Make and send WhatsApp catalogs to increase sales by 10 times directly within WhatsApp.

  • Use smart segmentation filters to retarget hot leads.

  • Make, operate, and support analytics for Click-to-WhatsApp AdsLive chat support with multiple people

  • Send Razorpay payment links on WhatsApp to receive 3x faster payments (Msgclub exclusive). 

Use Case Scenarios of WhatsApp Chatbot

1. Leads can be qualified by automatically gathering user attributes.

By gathering crucial user features like their email address, preferences, age, gender, and other information, a WhatsApp chat bot will automate the lead qualification process and nurture leads. 

As the chatbot gathers these attributes from the user, they are automatically updated in the user profile in Msgclub. E.g. Name of the inquirer, Industry

2. Automated customer service available 24/7

A WhatsApp chatbot can swiftly resolve 80% of client inquiries and speaks just like a human person. You may automate frequent client inquiries by integrating WhatsApp Chatbot for your Business, freeing up your agent's valuable time.

3. Streamline Sales

The 24/7/365 WhatsApp chatbot is a skilled salesperson. Customers may find products, get recommendations, and complete checkouts with the help of a WhatsApp chatbot. 

Users can query the WhatsApp Chatbot about the specifics of your goods and services, and once it responds, they can quickly buy them by clicking a link to your website.

4. Automate the FAQs.

Before deciding to buy your product or service, customers have a lot of typical questions they'd want to have answered. 

You may build comprehensive FAQ Chatbot flows for your brand, products, and services using Msgclub's Flow Builder.

5. Automate Feedback

Feedback is important for raising the quality of your goods and services. 

Automate a feedback message 6-7 days after the product is delivered to guarantee that clients leave comments. Through WhatsApp API Campaigns, you may automate a WhatsApp message with Quick Reply buttons. Have your WhatsApp Chatbot give alluring offers once the customer provides feedback to entice them to convert once more. To persuade the customer to make another purchase, you could offer a 10% discount or some other incentive.

Frequently asked questions ( FAQ )

1. Can I use WhatsApp Business for marketing?

More than half of WhatsApp users check the app daily, allowing you to stay in touch with your customers using WhatsApp marketing. Even better, since texts have a 98% open rate, you may be certain that they will receive your offers. The last thing to mention is how much your customers adore this kind of contact.

2. How do I start a sale on WhatsApp?

  • To Meta, upload your stuff.

  • Create a catalog and link it to your 360dialog. WABA, or WhatsApp Business Account

  • Specify the Commerce options.

  • Customers can learn about your products by employing single- and multi-product communications.

  • Control consumer feedback.

You can also check our other relevent blog Whatsapp Business

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Chatbots automate customer conversations, enabling businesses to provide efficient support and personalized interactions through messaging platforms.


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